01 February 2008

Yankees really ARE a different breed (September '06)

These last few months have been more stressful than normal, and one of the ways I react to stress is by gaining weight. Due to the particularly serious nature of some of my recent stressors, I have packed on the pounds even more rapidly than normal, going from a moderately fit 170 to a slovenly and ill-proportioned 197 in the space of about eight weeks.

The subject has come up with some of my friends recently, and I think that a select few of their responses do a wonderful job of illustrating the regional differences that I have addressed in recent blogs.

My Georgia friend: "Hey man, I couldn't tell you'd gained that much. You look fine. Wanna go get some ribs?"

My Philadelphia friend: "What's up, Homer Simpson! Nah...just kidding. Until you pointed it out I couldn't even tell. You just look like you've been lifting."

My Rhode Island friend: "197!?! Holy f*@%, you fat bastard! So are you perfectly round yet? Roll your fat ass up here sometime and quit eating that all that greasy s#!+, Boss Hogg."

I think that says it all...

Man, I miss New England.

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