01 February 2008

The "Christian Bubble" (September '06)

Over the last couple of months, I have had occasion to renew contact with some of my old friends from when I went to Lancaster Bible College (yes, I went to a Bible college!)

Most of them have never left PA for any great length of time, and in fact most of them have never left south central PA for any length of time.

For those not in the know, southern central PA is a mini Bible Belt. The Bible thumpers tend to be Mennonite and Moravian instead of Baptist and Holiness, but the net effect is the same--the culture at large is steeped in modern "Christian" language, imagery, and values. I put the word in quotes for a reason.

Now, years later, having been well removed from both the area and the culture for some time, it somehow seems even more foreign to me than ever.

How can you talk to a person who is dealing with abuse, or going through a divorce, or struggling with a personal crisis of any sort, and tell them that they "just need to trust God?" How do you look that person in the eye and tell them that "this is all part of God's plan," and that "He has a purpose for all of this?"

How do you go through your day listening to "Christian" music and watching "Christian" movies and reading "Christian" books and only talking to other "Christian" people, and then expect the world at large to take you seriously?

And don't even get me started on the substandard and derivative nature of all of this "Christian" cultural dreck. If you are so worried about interacting with the world, why are you doing your best to imitate it?

It just blows my mind that so many otherwise intelligent people can so thoroughly insulate themselves from the real world and yet at the same time expect to make a difference in that world. It's a bullshit premise, and it's doomed form the start.

Then you add in the bizarre platitudes and the "Christianese," and these people who claim to love so much can be downright offensive. If my life is in shambles and I'm struggling with the effort of just getting through the day, the very LAST thing I'd want to hear is that this is all just God's will and I need to be patient. How about trying to meet my immediate physical needs? How about empathizing? How about just listening and not judging?

I am not in a time of crisis right now, but I have watched several others in recent months just get used up and spit out by this most self-righteous of subcultures, and I'm utterly sick of watching it.

If you haven't been out of the bubble, if you haven't been cut off from your support network, if you haven't been slammed by real crisis or tragedy--how do you know that your faith is anything more than going with the flow? Do you feel more pity for "sinners," or more empathy? Would you rather spend time interacting with the dregs of society on a personal level, or "praying for them" from a safe distance?

Until your faith has been challenged, it's just a theory. Until you've been removed from those who reinforce you, and stood alone in the face of challenge, your faith is just agreeing with the masses. Until you've faced the hard questions with real intellectual honesty, you're just a blind and ignorant follower.

Sorry, but until you've known pain, you have no business telling others how to deal with it.

If you fear trial, if you get offended when people question your beliefs, if you dread standing alone in the midst of those who hate you...maybe you need to ask yourself why.

A belief that can't stand up to question isn't a belief worth having.

Pleasant dreams, y'all...

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