01 February 2008

Well, I'm back to being a bouncer again. (Aug. '07)

It's 04:30. I got home 30 minutes ago, and I just finished showering the smoke, sweat, and assorted nasty off of me. This isn't a full-time gig, but it's work, so I'm back to babysitting grown-ups again after a two-year-plus hiatus.

If I get to typing right now, I'm sure to wake someone, so this is just a teaser and a way to remind myself, but y'all are definitely getting a few blogs out of this. The human condition is fragile at the best of times, but the bar/club patron is definitely approaching humanity at its most pathetic.

I don't know whether to laugh at, cry over, or fear for humanity in general right now.

Whatever I decide, you'll read about it here, and soon.

~The Yankee

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