01 February 2008

Quick blog (February (07)

This blog will be a quickie, but I'm posting it for two reasons.

The first is that I forgot to tell this story in my multi-purpose blog, though I fully intended to do so:

When my wife and I were visiting a friend in Spain, this friend held a dinner for us where she invited many of her friends. This friend of mine is an international lawyer, as were most of her friends at the dinner. I should note here that in Spain, almost no one speaks English. Not at all. Not even a little. As a result, we were conducting most of the conversation in my broken and imperfect Spanish.

Now as it happens, Spanish and English share many words with common roots. As such, it is sometimes possible to use an English word and add a Spanish ending. I have had great success with this practice, and had come to rely upon it it while in Spain.

I was working my way through a difficult conversation in a foreign tongue, and I felt compelled to apologize to this august and learned group of female lawyers for my broken and grammatically challenged Spanish. I turned to the group and apologized, adding that I was "muy embarrassado."

This comment got the attention of the entire table, as heads turned in shock and awe, followed immediately by raucous laughter and jesting comments. As it turns out, "embarrassado" is not the Spanish word for "embarrassed." It is, however, the word for "pregnant."

I still don't know who the father is.

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